Scene analysis: Going out for a swim
Camera angles:
- A high angle shot is used when Kirk and Pam walk up to the isolated house. This shot could have been used to represent the two being watched or invasion into their comfort zone.
- As the girl walks up to the house there is a low angle shot which follows her. This could be seen as representing the "male gaze" as we are looking up at her in a sexual way.
- One of the techniques used in this scene is documentary style footage. This is used when Kirk and Pam are walking through the empty fields towards the supposed water hole.
Point of view:
- The shots of the room full of bones appears to be from Pam's point of view.
- through the documentary style shot in the empty fields, we get a sense that they are being watched. This could be from the point of the viewer or just to emphasise the isolation they are walking into.
Music, Sound and Silence:
- Animal sounds are used once we get into the house to give the atmospheric feel of a slaughter house. foreshadowing what is to happen to these two people.
- A pig squeal sound is what draws Kirk into the house when Leatherface kills him. Some religions believe that a pig is a dirty, unsacred animal suggesting that these people could be dirty in the eyes of the killer.
- The sound of the generator is a constant presence throughout most of this scene and gives a sense of a lack of space, as if something is smothering you. The sound is overpowering. However, to Kirk and Pam this sound gives a false sense of hope as they believe that this sound will lead them to fuel for their car.
Mise en Scene and Editing:
- Many bones are used in this scene in strange sculpture like creations. This is to highlight on the disorder within this house and gives us an idea of what could happen to these people in the following narrative.
- The cars round the back of the house are used to raise suspicion as the are hidden with a camouflage cover.
- The use of a generator highlights on the isolation of the house.
- The house looks very different from either side. One side is creepily welcoming with clean white walls and a swing. The other is run down, covered with plants and surrounded by broken and damaged cars.
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